From landlords to facility managers, tenants, and end-users, we’ve got you all covered
We’re here to help you achieve operational efficiencies, safer & more sustainable work environments, drive user experience and hybrid solutions.

Appgrade customers typically see a 20–30% reduction in facilities spend, driven by efficiencies across energy usage, consumables, workforce, space and overall resource management
100% -
Cost reduction – up to
35% -
Service improvement
Our modules
Asset Management
Safe and efficient facilities drive success
Professional module for resources management, task management, work plans, and equipment.
Explore this moduleOperational Services
Stay connected with a powerful ticketing app
Empower users and service providers with a simple, accessible, and multi-language service request system that they will enjoy using. Create optimal workflows and efficiencies with automatic routing of work orders and SLA control.
Explore this moduleCommunity Marketplace
Experiences build loyalty
Create experiences your customers, residents and employees will appreciate, and a community they will feel connected to. Use our flexible, open API platform to enhance and expand your community.
Explore this module